Bayes was a game-changing experience. Not only did I gain a solid quantitative foundation, but also I had access to cutting-edge programming tools that prepared me for the ever-evolving business landscape. The experience of working on team projects with my classmates was a definite highlight. We collaborated to solve real-world problems and presented our findings to industry professionals. The diversity of the group provided unique perspectives and challenged me to think creatively, pushing me to grow both personally and professionally.
It was a crucial step towards my dream of becoming a strategy consultant. Throughout the internship, I had the opportunity to collaborate with the internal research institute and business development team to research industries and build leads. My involvement extended beyond research, as I helped a logistic client build a long-term strategic plan and financing plan. Working on this real-world problem provided me with valuable experience in market analysis, strategic planning, and financial modelling.
I am a member of the Venture Solution team in Male Grooming department, a cross functional team dedicating to unlock potential business opportunitiesies and explore new business models for the Male Grooming segment. Together with 6 global teams, I helpd innovate and promote the Philips ultimate male grooming solution – GroomTribe App available in 57 countries and 14 languages.
This bachelor’s program prepares me to become an international business professional who is capable of helping internationally operating businesses achieve their goals. Besides a comprehensive study of all essential business disciplines from management and organization to cross-cultural marketing, and from information technology to international strategy in a genuinely global context, I also develop the 21st-century skills, including intercultural sensitivity, information management, and communication.
Hanze helped me find what I love to do, gifted me with a passion for learning, and surrounded me with a wealth of inspiring peers. It pushed me to grow, challenge, and expand my international horizon.
It was an absolutely fantastic adventure. I got lucky to work with ServiceNow’s enduring and inspiring digital marketing team. During the mind-blowing half year, I had the privilege to connect and collaborate with colleagues from all over the world. My team gave me instance training on web analytics, digital channels, and website management. I participated in various digital projects such as SEO backlink project, localization project, and data-driven marketing project. I gained more in-depth insights into the digital industry, and it has helped me significantly with my career planning.
During the third year, I spent a full semester studying at Complutense University of Madrid. It’s one of the most memorable experiences in my college career.
It expanded my academic horizon and helped me develop the capacity to adapt to various educational settings. I got to experience a brand-new country with incredible new outlooks, customs, and activities, and to understand the people, its traditions, and its culture. I had the opportunity to witness an entirely new way of life and to meet new lifelong friends from different backgrounds.
Strive for excellence
Never compromise on dreams and goals
Embrace failure as a springboard for growth
Approach life with a sense of wonder and discovery
I envision being an impactful profession at the best consulting firms who help companies and individuals solve challenges arise in the modern business world. I am capable of providing my family with the best life they want. I dedicate myself to helping people suffering from poverty worldwide. My life have completely freedom to travel the world.
To give my family the uncertainty love and create the best live for them.
To be a leader and influencer to create magic moments.
To strive for excellence and be financially free.
To live a balanced life with a peak experience.
"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work"
"A dream doesn't become reality through magic;
it takes sweat, determination
and hard work"
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