“If I’m killed, you will know who did it. When my enemies read this book, they will know that you know.”
- Bill Browder

After reading many business and science books, I yearned for a narrative with substance, not sheer fiction, a narrative that combines real-life stories with business. Half an hour of exploration on Goodreads led me to Red Notice, written by Bill Browder, the founder of Hermitage Asset Management and the driving force behind the Magnitsky Act. Bill's journey resonated with my quest. Its popularity was evident when colleagues and even a stranger complimented my choice.

Indeed, Red Notice" captivated me in a manner few books have managed. I breezed through its almost 500 pages in a month, a task that ordinarily takes me twice as long. Red Notice seamlessly combined Bill's life growing up in a Jewish family with a grandfather being a leader of the communist party, the establishment of the hermitage fund and his battles against corrupt oligarchs and the Russian government throughout his business in Russia and after he was forced to leave. Four things I think set this book apart.

First, Bill is a great storyteller of his life and business. A great story is the best weapon to build a connection with readers as it brings everything alive. Reading it as if one is experiencing alongside him. It is utterly captivating.

Second, it is not merely a biography but covers how Bill, step by step, identified the undervalued assets in Russia and the emerging world. One could argue it is a seemingly easy process that requires some luck, but under the unique challenges of that era, it is not. Bill's discovery requires curiosity and exceptional business sensibility.

Third, I was astonished by Bill's resilience, determination, and sense of responsibility, which are nothing short of remarkable traits that drive his success. He is very much committed or stubborn in his business pursuit, and his fight with corrupts. Both brought him catastrophic failures, but he bounced back. I cannot imagine how painful and stressful it is when a fund manager loses 90% of his fund overnight and how scary it is when one is issued a red notice and has to confront life-threatening situations constantly. His tenacity is both inspiring and educational.

Finally, Red Notice provides a chilling glimpse into the dark side of Russia. After all, one could say that this book might contain subjective interpretations and be biased, but I believe in its authenticity, and it is one's judgements whether it is or not. It evoked a myriad of emotions in me – from heartbreak to admiration for those like Bill who dare to challenge the status quo. Importantly, while the book delves into the shadows of one nation, it's a sobering reminder that similar scenarios play out across various corners of the globe.

I do not want to spoil any details of this book, as it is worth every minute of one's time to read and enjoy. Hopefully, same as I do, one can have some level of enlightenment, reflection and learning.